The 5/6 finished up their Persuasive letters on Friday. Some did take them home to finish. All made it through the writing process and final edit with me. The letters exhibit good growth around the topic of both Case Study#1 and #2 (Position and Prosperity, Principles and Posterity). Each student has been able to consider and can now answer the three Guiding Questions: How do maps document historical changes, What do citizens want from their government, and What living conditions or ideas motivate people to revolution? The perspective of the American Revolutionary past to the newest events in Egypt have been proved interesting.
Monday--Edible Aquifer as we immerse into Water Quality. This will be the first of three visits that are part of this expedition.
Case Study for Math Investigations: Portico, How People Flow. We have 'redlined' all the work and on Tuesday will begin to measure and cut the cardboard to begin the building of each part. The kids have really learned so much from Ms. Schillberg. Her expertise has been so wonderful as she explains all aspects of architectural work. We are using the writing process to align this information so the kids can see that so much real world work requires the same steps they do-- collaboration, revision and listening. Lots and lots of listening.;)
Monday--Edible Aquifer as we immerse into Water Quality. This will be the first of three visits that are part of this expedition.
Case Study for Math Investigations: Portico, How People Flow. We have 'redlined' all the work and on Tuesday will begin to measure and cut the cardboard to begin the building of each part. The kids have really learned so much from Ms. Schillberg. Her expertise has been so wonderful as she explains all aspects of architectural work. We are using the writing process to align this information so the kids can see that so much real world work requires the same steps they do-- collaboration, revision and listening. Lots and lots of listening.;)