This is the tank in the 5/6 classroom. It's covered with black paper mostly to keep the Steelhead eggs in the dark. The refrigerator looking box is the Chiller from Dworshak that I was able to pick up 2 weeks ago. The water temperature will be kept at about 50 degrees for the eggs to mature and 'eye up' We'll be considering water quality for this community and those that live in the river. When we return from MOSS, the kids will get to do water quality testing at 2 sites in our community. All this work is to help them answer the Guiding Question of this expedition which is: How does water quality affect the ecology of a community? On Tuesday, Mr. Henson is coming to our class to deliver the eggs. This program is called Trout in the Classroom. Michelle Feeley helped me to make contact with Idaho Fish and Game and get the process started to get trout eggs. More information about what is next for this part of the expedition will come soon.
Reviewing Eduational what do we want to be and what steps are being taken to accomplish it.